Best IUI Treatment In Hyderabad

IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination)

What is IUI?

IUI stands for Intra Uterine Insemination. It is usually the first-line approach for couples seeking assisted reproductive treatment (ART). 

Plan B Fertility, located in Kondapur, offers the best IUI Treatment in Hyderabad, with treatment plans tailored to each couple’s specific requirements and circumstances.

IUI is a procedure in which the processed sperm sample of the partner is placed inside a woman’s uterus through the natural opening of the uterus with the help of a thin tube/catheter at the time of ovulation (egg release).

Processing of a semen sample refers to separating the active sperm from the sluggish/non-motile sperm.

By eliminating the path that sperm would normally take to the uterus, there is a better chance that more sperm will make their way to the egg and hence the chances of pregnancy will increase.

How is IUI Treatment Performed?

  • The husband is instructed to collect his semen sample through masturbation into a sterile container. If the male spouse is unable to provide a sample in the clinic, he is permitted to collect the sample at home or use a non-spermicidal condom. However, the semen sample must arrive at the clinic within 20 minutes to ½ hour and be submitted in person.
  • The laboratory then processes the semen sample and prepares a final sample with highly motile sperm.
  • Insemination is a relatively simple and painless procedure done within a couple of minutes with minor discomfort. The clinician inserts a thin catheter into the uterine cavity through the cervix and releases the processed sperm sample. Following the procedure, the patient can resume normal daily activities.

Who Should Opt for IUI Treatment?

The objective of IUI is to increase the number of motile sperm that reach the egg in the fallopian tubes to enhance the chances of fertilization.

The Fertility specialist recommends this treatment to women with patent fallopian tubes and facing mild infertility issues such as:

  • Unexplained infertility
  • Mild endometriosis
  • Mild Cervix-related infertility
  • Ovulation-related infertility
  • Mild male factor infertility (borderline low sperm count & motility)
  • Sexual dysfunction (Erection/ejaculation problems)
  • When donor sperm is being used (when indicated and after consent of both partners is given)

Timing for IUI Treatment

For successful insemination, it is important to time the IUI accurately.

IUI is performed in conjunction with ultrasound to track follicular development to estimate the likely day of ovulation (release of the egg from the ovary) and typically, an injection of HCG is given to help time the release of the egg with the IUI.

IUI can be done either in a natural cycle or an ovarian-stimulated cycle.

  • In a natural cycle, the timing of ovulation is predicted based on serial follicular monitoring on ultrasound.
  • In a stimulated cycle, medication is given to promote follicular growth. When the follicles grow to a certain size, an HCG injection trigger is given to induce maturation and ovulation. The IUI is then performed 36 hours post-HCG or according to evidence of ovulation on ultrasound.

Another strategy is to have two inseminations per cycle to increase the chances of fertilisation. This procedure is termed ‘Double IUI’.

double IUI process

How Many Days Does the IUI Treatment Take?

STEP 1:  Day 1 (first day of periods) – Call and book an appointment for a consultation on day 2/3 of your period.

STEP 2: Day 2/3- An ultrasound is done to check the uterus and ovaries and determine if it is a good cycle to start treatment.

STEP 3: Day-2-5 – Medication is prescribed for ovulation induction.

STEP 4: Day 7-14 – Follicular monitoring is done every alternate day to assess follicle growth and to check for ovulation. Medication (Injection) is given if necessary for the growth and release of the egg. Sometimes egg formation and ovulation might take longer.

STEP 5: IUI is done around the time of ovulation.

STEP 6: Medication is prescribed for hormonal support.

STEP 7: Pregnancy test after 2 weeks and follow-up is advised.

Is IUI Treatment Painful?

IUI is a minimally invasive procedure that takes about 10-15 minutes. It is usually pain-free, and you should be able to return to work or home straight away.

What is the Success Rate for IUI in Hyderabad?

IUI is the simplest assisted reproductive technique and has a modest success rate. If IUI is done together with fertility medications, injections and a proper follicular study, the success rate is about 15-20%.

Plan B Fertility provides the best IUI Treatment in Hyderabad with a high success rate. 

What are the Side Effects of IUI Treatment?

IUI is a relatively simple and safe procedure and the chances of side effects are rare which include:
  • Infection
  • Spotting
  • Multiple Pregnancy

IUI Treatment Cost in Hyderabad

The IUI treatment cost in Hyderabad can vary depending on several factors, including the infertility centre chosen, the specific treatment plan formulated, the medications taken, and the number of treatment cycles performed.

Why Choose Plan B Fertility for IUI treatment in Hyderabad?

Plan B Fertility, the best IUI centre in Hyderabad located in Kondapur, is known for setting realistic expectations, ensuring unwavering transparency, and providing the utmost comfort to patients at every step of the way.

IUI Specialist in Hyderabad

Dr. Dhatri Kumari, the best IUI doctor in Hyderabad, has over 15 years of experience in the field of Reproductive healthcare and is passionate about the super-speciality of Infertility.